Well, after thinking all night, here are the list of things that i want to get done fin 2008
1) Attend Church at least once a week be it cell group meeting or church church...
Fix a time to go to church rather then say i'll decide every Sunday morning
2) Quit smoking. Effective date is 1Jan 2008
No action plan other then to stop buying cigarettes
3) Complete the Osim Triathlon and Standard Chartered Marathon and Masters Swimming.
Swim with Trifam on Mondays and Saturdays if there is swimming. Run on Tue and Thur evenings
On top of the above, have to clock both swimming and running mileage on other days. Target is to swim at least 3 times a week and run 3 times a week.
Go for spin classes before buying my new bike.
After the Triathlon, can start running at least 5 times a week to train up for the Marathon.
4) Attain Elite Club Gold in HSBC. S$66,000 AFYC
Consistent work throughout the year with S$5500 AFYC per month.
5) Take all relevant papers, M1,2,3,4,6,7 before June 2008
Take an exam every month.
6) Apply to do a diploma in April 2008
No action plan. Just need to remember to register
7) Spend more time with loved ones aka family.
Have dinner with all members of family at least once a month.
8) Learn diving before end 2008.
No action plan on this, still looking for diving kakis. But this will constitute 1 holiday trip... Ekk
9) Take a trip to one other place this year. Not diving trip and not Hong Kong. Any other place
Places that i'm keen on gg.. Vietnam? Perth? Cambodia? India?
10) De-clutter room and ofc space at least once a month.
Alright! Here are my New Year Resolutions for 2008. The easiest of course is no. 7. I'm sure some of you will say i've cheated and that's not really a resolution. But kinda tough to have dinner with everyone present means i have to have dinner 3 different times a month manz =P
Eh, no more losing weight shit, coz i figured if i give up smoking and i'm running and swimming at least 3 times a week and i'm still not losing weight, then i dun know if anything else will help. Anyway, this should all see my health going back up and me getting healthier.
The studies and school part is way overdue. So i really need to sort it out before the end of the year. I'm hitting 30 real soon,. Damn
I think the hardest for me is still no. 1 and 2. Always want to laze in bed on a Sunday and not go to church and for smoking.. Sighz.. but i'll do my best to keep them.. Hee
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