Received a lot of well wishes for my birthday. But funny that a lot of people think my birthday is on the 29th instead of 30th. Even superman sms me. And i remember telling him that we're partying on Wednesday, 30th. Hmmm. Guardian sms me too to wish me Happy birthday. Then i replied him thank you, but think my birthday tomorrow. Then he replied, today not 30th meh? Haa... Well, credit to him for remembering the date. Though, i suppose after 12 years, if he got the date wrong, i would have been very very upset. JaJa's reply was probably the cutest though, she said, that's why he's worth dumping. Hee... Joe remembered too, which was really sweet. The ENR people wished me happy birthday too. And that was nice. I suppose that's why we have friends.
But somehow, despite all that, i don't feel very birthday-ie. Maybe coz of all the things that have happened recently. Or maybe coz this year i didn't go away prior to my birthday. Or maybe coz this year i didn't start 1 week ahead and partied/ karaoked the whole week away. But somehow, this year, i just didn't really want to celebrate my birthday. But, will still go out later tonight with Superman and gang and drink. It's really just an excuse for them to drink. Ha...
Honestly, if you asked me what i really want for my birthday this year, all i want is a slice of cake. Last year, i cut birthday cake like 5 times, the year before 6. And this year, i have yet to cut a birthday cake. I don't need a whole cake, just a slice will do. Last year was in KL before my birthday, 2 years and the year before, was in HK. And before that, i would always go away. But with all that had happened at work, with Dad going for surgery, with Mum and Dad fighting incessantly, i didn't go away this year. And maybe that's why i'm feeling so non-birthday-ie. Or maybe coz every year, either Guardian or TG would celebrate with me. Or rather, both would celebrate with me but on different days. This year, it all feels different. I suppose things change, people change but no matter what, we must all move on. But somehow, this year feels different. Anyway, its only been an hour plus. Hopefully the rest of the day will look up. If not, then i really have an excuse to be pissed drunk later tonight. Right? =)
Well, Happy 28th birthday to me and here is probably the best song to sum up how i feel.
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