My inner space. The jungle inside my head where the monkey in me can play all day. I just want to connect the dots so i can finally see the picture. All i need is something to connect the dots with.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Have been so tired and exhausted lately. Don't feel like working out, don't feel like doing anything. My favorite activity involves my bed, my pillow and me on it. Sigh. So, basically, up till today, for this week, i have not done anything other then to go for a 21km cycle. Which is damn sad lah.
So, today, i told myself that no matter how tired i felt, no matter, how not in the mood i felt, i must go and work out. So hit the pool, albeit reluctantly, and swam. Didn't finish my workout, did half of it. In worse times then last week. Which is bad. Seems the slacking has turned into a 10s lag time in each lap. Anyway, i think i could have finished the workout if i had planned my time better, ie. got out of the house earlier so i could complete the workout. But i didn't i was half minded about swimming, so only left the house and got to the pool with about 50 mins left to swim. Decided to do a ladder workout, 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m. That would have made it 1500m. But i ended up doing 200m short. Hee. actually, the work out was supposed to be after the 500m, then back down to 100m. which would mean a 2.5km swim. That's why i said i think i did about half the workout. Oh well....
Went running in the evening. And today while running, i had to relearn another lesson. Make hay while the sun shines. Stop procrastinating and stop being so lazy. was supposed to do the 11km run to Bishan park and back from TP Safra. But, because it started raining halfway, only ended up doing 8.5km. And it was a horrid 8.5km. Run pace was slower then last thur's 11km run. So basically, the lack of training all week has not helped me in any way, only to ensure that i would once again have to struggle up.
Still thinking of what goals i want to set for the Singapore Biathlon this Saturday. Haven't really figured it out yet. My timing for the NUS biathlon was actually better then i expected. Half worried that i wouldn't even be able to come close to that timing. Since the distance at NUS biathlon was actually 1km short. Hmmmm
I received a cd today. Was watching myself on tv. Seems i took part in some kiddy show while i was a kid, 5 yrs old. It was hilarious. The short clip was approximately 20mins long. And i think i spent 20 mins laughing non stop at myself. But i observed some things about myself through that short 20mins session.
1) I always made funny actions to divert attention away from the fact that i was shy or uncomfortable.
2) I had a very short attention span as a kid, got bored easily.
3) I was constantly in a world of my own when activities were boring
4) I was very competitive as a 5 year old
5) My people skills were horrid
6) I wasn't very smart
7) I wasn't very cute
Alright, these were some of the things i observed. So i guess, at 5, i was pretty much made for life already. Only no. 5 seems to have changed slightly over the years. The rest, pretty much still about the same. Damn.. And here i was thinking i was smart... Hmmm
Anyway, while we were watching the clip, Dad, Mum and I, mum was going on and on telling me what a rotten kid i was. That i was always really playful, rebellious, and probably a rather great troublemaker. That kidergarten teachers complained non stop about me. That while we were supposed to be sleeping, i would be up and about, trying to talk to other children, or 'disturbing' them as mum put it. Hey, i was just trying to be friendly... =P I guess the talkative part was cultivated really early...
Then she went on to tell me that i was never really keen about school. Never bother to pack my school bag before bed, always forgetting books and having to get Dad to send it to school, always forgetting to finish school assignments, didn't want to study for spelling and dictation. So i guess, for such a playful child, i did pretty alright through primary school. I suppose in today's context, i would probably have been labelled a troublemaker. No wonder in my short stint as a teacher, i had so many of these kids. Guess it's really true when they say what goes around, comes around. Ha...
Anyway, if not for the fact that Dad asked Mum to head to bed, i'm sure she could have gone on non stop as to what a troublesome kid, playful kid, naughty child i was. But, i guess i turned out alright after all. =) Oh, and my size, i was already taller then the rest of the children at 5. So, that's probably genetics. Nature. The rest... Still thinking whether its nature or nurture...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
In fact, the whole week has been pretty low for me. Somehow, i cannot find the energy to train or go through training feeling rather lousy. And to make things worse, no matter how much rest i get, i still seem to feel tired.
I am suspecting that my body is not resting enough, but i am getting my decent number of hours of sleep. Not sure what else there is to do. And both my run and swim time have taken a dip.
Weekend went by in a blur. Was catching some of the local trifam people taking part in the langkawi ironman, via internet. It was really inspiring. Saturday swim session was fun as well, although i probably should have done 2 more laps. But i didn't.
Sunday missed training. But went to help dad. Spent the whole day yawning. Gg to log off and Zzzzzzz
Oh... i bumped into TG today. =) Random...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Random thoughts
Then came back, came online to see the Singapore biathlon website, only to realise that my name was not in the Woman's open listing, but in the Men's open. Hmm, this should be interesting. I always half suspected i was a Man trapped in a woman's body =P
Didn't have to head to office today coz there was nothing left to do after cramming everything that needed to be done yesterday. And the rest of the stuff, i brought home to do for the weekend, so decided it was time to bring my bike down to the bike shop to get the stuff that i needed to fix on, fitted. Spent an hour there, $208 poorer, and all i got was a helmet, two blinkers for my bike, front and back, and a speedometer.
Went to meet the girls for dinner after that. It was nice being together. Think this is the first session this year. Ger was there with Gwen. Amazing. Seems like just yesterday where we were still in sec 1. But now, all of us are grown up and there's even baby Gwen. After dinner, shopped around DFS with Serene and Ting. Saw a nice Gucci bag that i would consider buying, if it was LV. Liked the shape and size, but not too practical with me always being on the bike. Anyway, decided to call it a day after that since Wen called to say she wouldn't be able to meet up with us.
Wanted to go meet Superman after that, but his partying session was at midnight, which means i would not be able to rest enough for my swim tomorrow. And i figured after that crappy session today, i better swim tomorrow.
Was chatting with a guy at the bike shop, Ronnie, and i figured i get to finally call myself a sports newbie. I guess 5 years of not competing puts me back at the newbie status. It's always easiest to start the climb from the bottom. No expectations.
Well, i'll continue with what i want to write this weekend. I have some thoughts in my head, except that it's pretty jumbled at this point. Need to sort it out on my runs and i'll add them in!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Test this out! Thought it was pretty accurate
You are seeking an affectionate relationship, offering fulfilment and happiness. You are capable of powerful emotional enthusiasm. Deep down, you are a kind loving person, always helpful and willing to adapt yourself if necessary to realise the bond of affection that you desire. But you need the same consideration and understanding from others and it is this need that will sometimes hold you back... so let go, trust and you may pleasantly surprised at what happens.
You are a leader in every sense of the word. You know where you are going and you know what you need to do in order to get there. You exercise an inherent initiative in overcoming obstacles and difficulties. You either hold, or wish to achieve, a position of authority by means of which full control can be exerted over events.
You give the impression that you are a self-sufficient individual, pretending that you are stoical - indifferent to pain or pleasure. But this is not so, for in truth you are an extremely emotional person, one that may make hasty decisions and perhaps repent at leisure. It is time now perhaps to break the bond of detachment and become the real 'you' - the you that you would like to be.
It is said that we are all influenced by our environment and indeed you are no exception. It would seem at this time that even though you may be surrounded by people, you are experiencing an inner loneliness. Fortunately you are sufficiently strong minded to realise that life has a great deal to offer you and that you may miss your share of experiences if you fail to make the best use of every opportunity. You therefore pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity and are prepared to commit yourself deeply and readily. You believe that whatever you would like to do or think 'you can do' - you do! It is because of this attitude that you may be considered by others as arrogant and even conceited, but its fair to say that whatever it is that you really want out of life you will put your heart and soul into it and will not take 'NO' for an answer.
You have so many ideas that you would like to revitalise but you need to realise a stable and peaceful condition to do so. Once you can free yourself from all the aggravation and tension around you, you will make strides that may amaze you. You will not be prevented from achieving all the things you so desire.
Does this sound like me? You tell me... Hee
Tired after run
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I will love running
Anyway, went for run just now. Did approximately 9km. Took about 55mins. I'm pretty pleased actually. It is actually getting easier with each run. I guess that is good. I'm at the middle of the 2nd pack now. Will just have to train harder, work myself to the front of the 2nd pack and then progress to the first pack. Was actually at the front of the 2nd pack until i hit the slopes. Really have to work on those. Just thinking which slopes i should do... Anyway, i'm glad the runs are taking less effort now. But still don't really dare to push hard, coz worried cannot make it to the end. But i now have a better gauge how long more it is to the end, so pushing myself in the last km.
Eh, tried out the bike today. Learnt how to mount and dismount. It was a huge feat for me. Considering my great fear in toppling over. So, for that i deserve a pat on the back! *pat pat... Learnt how to change gears, make them work, get up the bike by doing the skate scooter action, brake, slide ass off the bike and put foot on floor. Of course without the cycling shoes. Actually feel a little more stable coz in my running shoes, i can actually tip toe and touch the ground. Kinda like cheating, but, this means less falls, more enjoyable ride, and more confidence. And that's good enough for me. =)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday again
Went for swimming training in the evening though. Did warm ups, then 6*200, then 10*50(25 any stroke, 25 frontcrawl) Did 200m cool down. Had dinner with the swimmers, then headed to a friend's place for his mum's wake. Met an old school mate there. Chatted a bit. Was rather late when i came back and decided to rest and sleep rather then blog.
Anyway, did an event on Sunday night. This really cute 12 year old girl! Amazing!

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Virgin Race
Reached pretty early. At 8.20am. My race wasn't till 9.45. But i figured it was my first race, i should head down slightly earlier to get myself acquainted with the place and surroundings. When i got to the place, i actually managed to get a parking space. So i figured it was going to turn out all right after all. Please dun ask me what does parking space have to do with the race. Just my really really warped thinking.
Walked towards the competition area, only to see hordes of people. That was the intimidating part. One. And since i was alone and all, not knowing many people, didn't even plan to meet anyone there, i just walked to the tent where i saw a lot of people queuing. Can't go wrong i figured. True enough, it was the registration tent and also the place to get our body markings. It was approximately at that point of time where i freaked out. I really just wanted to turn around and head back to the car and drive back home. I was scared. First, i hate crowds. Too many people. Of course East Coast park is big, its just that there were too many people gathered in a small area. And it just felt all uncomfortable. But the feeling soon went away, and i told myself, give it some time, it'll get better.
To my surprise, while i was queuing, i met my sec 3 cross country coach. Mr Winder. Haven't seen him since sec 3. And it felt better seeing a familiar face. But then, the next question that pop in my mind was, oh my.. he's such a strong runner. I'm screwed. That was the pessimist in me talking. Finished getting the body marking, walked to the transition area. Worse. More people crammed in a really small transition area. I'm not sure if all transition areas are that small. But it was really scary. Everyone got a small space to put their belongings. And once again, i thought, damn. Why did i sign up for this. I would have been better off at home sleeping. Intimidation part 2 was when i saw a lot of very fit women who all had markings on their body starting with 8. I knew they would be in the women's open. And they looked really tone and fit like they ran everyday just for the heck of it. And some of them came in their standard chartered marathon attire, some from other races. Some of them were dressed in their tri racing gear. Scary.
Anyway, met another friend at the transition area, and she was very encouraging. And slowly, i felt myself settle down. I wanted to go do some warm up, but was not sure, what i had to do. Or where to go. And i didn't want to stray too far away. So, just hung around the transitional area. Until i met one of the guys from the forum. He was real helpful and even helped my place my shoes, socks, cap, running gear, etc in the correct manner. He told me this was to minimise the transition time. Really thankful for his help. But honestly, at that point of time, i was just thinking, will i make it? Will i be able to finish it?
Finally, it was time to head to the starting area for me. The current looked a little overwhelming. And when the race started, it was horrible. Everyone else was trying to swim. And for the first 250m, i kept having to stop to see where i was going. Or stop coz i touched someone's leg. Or stop coz someone really close to me was kicking and i didn't want to get kicked. The next 250m, i kept away from the crowd, swimming on the outside. But there were still some guys who were completing their swim and they obviously cannot be bothered who they were kicking and where they were going. The last 250m of the first lap was an easy swim due to the fact that the current was helping us. The 2nd lap's first 250m was horrid for me. Kept swimming far out. And having to navigate my way back. But other then that, there were less people coz by then. So i would say the next 500m to the end was an easier swim. I remembered to switch to breastroke for the last 100m of so. Got out of the water with 4 other women. Of course every one of those 4 started running before me. Hee... Slow transition for me lah. But it's my first race and i had to tape my foot before running. But i felt a lot more comforted coz when i glanced out in the sea, i saw there were swimmers who were just starting on the last 500m. So i figured, as long as i kept running and not stop, i wouldn't come in last. =)
The running was alright. I doubt the distance was a full 10km. Think it was probably 9km or so. Anyway, since i have never ran the route before, decided to conserve energy and just follow what my ipod indicated. And there were some people from the forum who cheered me on while i was running. That made me feel better since the run is usually the tough part for me. Tried to average a 6min pace. But fell short a couple of times. And when i got to the last part, according to my ipod, it was only about 8.6km. But the marshall told me i had about 300m to go. So i opened up and ran to the finish. Was actually thinking of opening up in the last km coz i was still feeling strong. Oh well, it was fun. Finishing was worth it.
Although i didn't complete the swim in the time i set for myself, i guess based on the strong currents today, it was alright. More importantly, i finished the race, ran the whole 9 or 10km without stopping.

Swim leg: Approx 39min ACTUAL 38:17
Transition: Approx 2 min
Run leg: Approx 55min ACTUAL 55:53
Total time: Approx 1hr 36min ACTUAL 1:36:10
Position: 19 out of 30
The confirmed timings will be out tomorrow. And i forgot to do a time split. So i'm estimating the timings based on memory. Will confirm tomorrow.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Jittery, nervous and excited all rolled up
Anyway, had lunch, then decided i needed to sort out the neck ache. So went for a massage. It was so so painful. Obviously i was aching quite badly and my muscles were really tired. Just that i didn't really know it. I just know i spent half the massage screaming in agony. The lady was pretty relentless. She just kept up whatever she was doing, all the time telling me that she hasn't used any strength yet. But all in all a rather interesting experience. Coz she stepped all over me. I doubt it helped my aching neck very much. But now my back feels like it can take a cow. She was pretty huge. Hee
Then went over to Superman's place to pai nian. He has been complaining that i have not gone to his place yet this Chinese New Year and his mum was asking as well, how come this year i didn't pop by. So went there, chatted a bit with Auntie and the wife. Superman was SLEEPING. Well, stayed till he woke. Didn't spend very much time chatting coz he was rushing off to Chingay. And after that, went to Balestier to check out some bikes, before heading to meet bro for dinner. Had dinner at Botak Jones. Meal was so-so only. But still think the beef is value for money. The cajun chicken was average. Probably won't order it again. But the burger was good, the ribeye was average. The US prime was really good. I didn't eat all of those today lah, just a consolidation from over the last few trips there. =)
in about 12 hours time, i would be in the middle of my race. NUS biathlon. And that explains for the title of this post. I'm jittery, nervous yet excited all rolled up in one. Please don't ask me how this is possible. I think i've never really liked to go into any of my races being unprepared. But i'm certain i'm really quite unprepared for tomorrow's race. It's a sea swim. And from all the horror stories i've heard about getting kicked, elbowed, goggles coming out in the sea, it surely is scaring me quite a bit. So after 2 laps of 750m, it will be the dreaded 10km run for me. I've done a total of 2 >10km run. One was exactly 10km, the other was 11.3km. There was one other run that was pretty close to 10km, but shy of a few metres. And all these runs, were done with sufficient rest and just go run, then finish run, stretch and rest. So tomorrow would be my serious first swim, plus run. And since i only have 2 previous run under my belt, i feel really unprepared. I can't even come up with a strategy for the run except to say i'm just going to run. Sounds silly.
So that accounts for the jittery and nervous part. The excitement part? Well, its a race. Races always excited me. =) I have this thing about competitions. Adrenaline is up, everything just looks brighter. And all those hours spent running and swimming makes it seem worthwhile during a race. And for this race, i actually have a number bib. The last time i wore a number bib was super duper long ago. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that i don't come in last tomorrow. Just have to stay focused and do my part. Will be starting the run at about 10.30, so it will be a hot run. Hopefully the sun doesn't shine in full force tomorrow. Coz truth be told, i have yet to run under the sun. Most of my runs are in the early morning, the late evenings or in the gym with the aircon. All righty.. Going to call it a night coz i seem to be constantly tired lately. Will update about the race tomorrow after i get back.
Just another day
Decided that i should go for a swim after all although i was late. So, went to the pool. Didn't want to push very hard coz i was half deciding whether to swim or not. And while walking to the pool, i almost did a U-Turn to go back and rest. But, stuck to it, and decided to swim. Did 200 for warm up, before deciding on what exactly i wanted to do. So, decided to just swim. Minimum was to do 40 laps, and keep as close to 12 min per 500m as possible. Was off the mark by quite a bit actually. Finished the 2km swim in 48min 55s. And the 1.5km swim split was 37min 11s. Which means my last 500 was my fastest split. Not that it is very fast, just compared to the rest of the swim. Anyway, it seems that if i start off slow on my first 500m, then the rest of the swim is just slow. Coz i did a 12min 34s split for my first 500m. Well, will bear that in mind and remember to swim faster come Sunday.
After the long swim, did some work before heading to help dad out at Turf Club. I've been spending some time thinking of how best to help dad with his business. Haven't come up with anything great yet. But i guess i just have to be patient on this aspect.
Surprisingly, i did feel better after my swim. Somehow, the aches seem to have gone away. I'm hoping that it'll stay off. Not sure if i really want to do a short BRIC tomorrow though. Feel quite keen to go sea swimming. But, really, will decide when i wake up in the morning. =)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
3 Years down the road, i would say i spent a rather nostalgic Valentine's Day today. Why nostalgic? Coz it reminded me of the Valentine's Day i spent in 1997. It was RJC's cross country that year. Please don't ask me why they decided to hold cross country on that day. Maybe coz non of the other schools booked MacRitchie that year. And 11 years on, i'm back to running and i spent the day training. Not so much competition, but i spent the evening in the good company of new found friends and people who come together because they have a similar passion. Running!
I don't particularly love running. But i guess i'm alright at it. Running takes a lot of work, a lot of mileage. And for all the food that i put in my mouth, the no. of calories i burn during a run sure doesn't add up. But anyway, had an easy session today. Started with a 1.2km warm up, then 4 sets of about 1.1km. (5.31, 5.34, 5.45, 6.14) Yes. I notice a huge jump from the 3rd set to the 4th set. But, i was darn tired by then, and it took sheer will power and strength to finish the last set. Although i am sure if had pushed harder in the first round, i would probably clock a better timing. But then, i didn't. So no point thinking of the what if...
Oh before i forget, although Valentine's Day is officially over, Happy Valentine's to everyone. Then again, if you treasure those around you and show them you love them, then everyday is a Valentine's Day rite? Hee
But i guess the thing that has been on my mind today is really how come sometimes, the things people say in passing just stay on in your head way after the person has said it? I heard two comments today. One of which i liked, coz it was positive, and one which irritated me coz it wasn't so positive. I've always been an athlete. I would think almost all my life since i knew how to walk. I might not always win, or come in first, but one thing i know for sure, i always give my best in races and competition. And i train hard, sometimes harder then others around me, just so i can do better each time. I would say i'm lucky to have started young, to have built a strong base over the years. I'm also lucky to have long legs and decent length arms that help in my running and swimming. But, don't take away the credit from me. I put in many more hours then the average joe to get to where i am.
People around me have mentioned that i have improved. I like that. I like improvement. But i also know the curve starts off steeply before it flattens out. But while the average joe runs twice a week, i run more. I run harder. I push myself harder. Yes, one reason is because i have the means to do so, the other is just because i believe i can achieve much more.
There are others in the group that have been running for years. And they probably can do longer runs then i can. After all, the longest run i have done till date since i started training was 11.3km. So if i can keep the pace for 11.3km, then in my book, i'm doing good. And just because some other guy has been running for a long time, doesn't mean anything to me. Maybe i've got better built. Maybe i'm more athletic. Maybe i just put in more hours. Maybe i push harder. I don't know if i can do the same pace for 20km or 43km for that matter. I haven't even done my first marathon.
Anyway, if you've read my rantings this far, then the story above was about the not so positive comment. I mentioned i would like to have a base program at training today. When i started joining the recreational group, they told me that it would take me 6 months to join the main group. That it takes 6 months of conditioning and to build base. I totally agree. I would never want to jump the gun, injure myself, sit out for the rest of the season and not progress. So am i wrong in saying that maybe going back to the recreational group might be a good idea?
Oki, after i've wrote it out and put things in perspective, it seems silly now. But thats me.
Somehow, i feel tired today. More tired then i usually am.. Hmmmm
Write more tomorrow.. Nitez
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Guilty pleasures
Now i'm feeling all guilty for pigging out and not training. But i guess this is like Chinese New Year for me. Coz while everyone else was pigging out, i was nursing a sore throat. So it's payback time.
Went down to NUS to pick up my race bib for Sunday's race. It's truly been a long time since i had a race bib or a race number tag. My virgin no is 8002. Which seems like a nice number i guess. But picking up the race bib and going back to NUS really brought back lots of memories. As i entered the NUS SRC carpark, there was a group of people starting out their run. And i remembered all those times where we ran there. I remembered inter-hall road relay. The crazy arts slope. Ouch.. But then again, i was probably a lot fitter then.
Anyway, i'm sure this race bib will be the first of many more to come. I used to keep my race bibs when i was in school. And i'll write on the back of the race bib my timings for the races i took part in, and the position i came in, in. And i would keep them and i remembered always loving to write the word PB next to any of the competitions i took part. And since this is my first official race bib for the biathlon, i get to write PB on it. Hee.. =) There are 35 women taking part in the full distance. So not many competitors in my wave. The only draw back is my wave starts at 9.30. Which means when i hit the road to run, it'll at least be 10 plus. Which also means it'll be hot and the sun would be out. And the bad thing is, i'm not conditioned to run in the sun. Most of my runs have been in the evenings or early morning where the sun is not out. Can't run tomorrow morning, so will have to fit in one last run on Friday morning before resting on Saturday. Although i would have very much liked to rest Friday and Saturday.
I think my flu is going away. But the pain at the side of my chest is still there. Not sure why. Might just be a muscle that has been overstretched.
Well, lots of food today. No workout. Which means i put in a lot more then i used today. Will work hard to rid it tomorrow.
Target for NUS biathlon is first and foremost to finish the whole race.
To complete the 10km run without stopping to walk.
To finish the swim within 40 mins.
To finish the run in 63 min.
To take less then 5 min for transition.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Rest Day
Just feel like blogging, so decided to add to my earlier post. Somehow, things just didn't feel and seem right today. Was tired physically and mentally and feeling a little emotionally drained although i was pretty certain nothing major happened. I would know if it did right? After all, its my life i'm talking about. But somehow, it felt like a low day all morning and afternoon. And decided that i needed some inspiration or something positive to perk me up. Went to the usual sites for inspiration. Usually, after i visit the lifecoahes blog, i generally leave feeling happier and more up beat. But somehow, after surfing through the posts and all, i was still feeling down.
I really can't quite place my finger on exactly what is irritating me or bugging me. Or maybe all i really need is some solid time spent with my pillow. Oh well, if i figure it out later, i'll write.
Finally something that lifted up my otherwise crappy day still
Lyrics - In Christ Alone
In Christ alone will I gloryThough I could pride myself in battles won
For I've been blessed beyond measure
And by His strength alone I overcome
Oh I could stop and count successes
Like diamonds in my hand
But those trophies could not equal
To the grace by which I stand
In Christ alone I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the cross
In every victory let it be said of me
My source of strength, my source of hope is Christ alone
In Christ alone will I glory
For only by His grace I am redeemed
And only His tender mercy
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need
Now I seek no greater honor
Than just to know Him more
And to count my gains
But losses to the glory of my Lord
In Christ alone I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the cross
In every victory let it be said of me
My source of strength, my source of hope is Christ alone
Longest run so far
Anyway, left work slightly early to head to Geylang East Swimming complex. Was worried that it would be some run down neighborhood swimming pool. But when i got there, i was amazed at how little people swim there despite the fact that it is really nice. Then again, it could be the fact that it was like 5.30pm and most hardworking people were still at work. Anyway, saw a familiar face there. One of the lifeguards that used to be at NUS pool. And i guess i don't have a forgettable face, although i have a common face. Anyway, we chatted for a while. Didn't feel good to just start swimming especially since i remember i use to chat with him and Ken in NUS quite a bit. But i was running short of time. Coz i only budgeted 45 min for the swim and knew i had to get to Toa Payoh by 6.30pm.
Did only 100 for warm up. Then did two sets of 500. Both below 12 mins. Which isn't good. But i realized how tired my arms were and how out of shape i felt. Anyway, by the time i hit the pool, it was 5.50. And by the time i finished the two sets, it was like 6.20. I knew that was it. But at least i swam a little. Does that sort of make it a BRIC training?
Went for training after that. The usual guy who leads the recreational run is in HK running the marathon. So, there wasn't really anyone who wanted to lead the recreational run. Anyway, Samuel said i could do the same route i did last week, probably about 9km. So i said, what the heck. Will just run with the main pack. And there were so many people today, i figured there would definitely be people equally slow like me. So i won't feel as bad making them wait for me.
Felt good in the first 2km or so. And when i reached the traffic junction, i had a mini debate with myself whether i should do the 11km route or the 9km route. But i figured since there were still like at least 10 people behind me, i'll try the 11km route and see how it went. And i figured if i kept a steady 6'30 pace, i would be able to finish the run, albeit a little slow. It was rather heartening seeing others that run with the main pack just slightly in front of me, so i decided to push on. The killer was not in the run, coz many people were actually running with me. But the killer was when i had to climb the overhead bridge. Whoa... running was ok. Climbing... Ouch... Now i wonder how people do the vertical marathon. Maybe when i get fitter, i will give it a shot too, just coz i'm a pain addict. Haa
But when i finished crossing the overhead bridge, which i practically crawled up, i felt a sharp pain at my right chest. I was a little worried actually coz i felt like i was doing an easy pace and wasn't really pushing. So where did the pain come from? Then i remembered i had the FLU. And suddenly, i was really really worried. Like would i drop dead from the run suddenly. I know i'm like super melodramatic and paranoid. But 1000 and 1 things were running through my head when the pain persisted. Like it's really my fault. Should have known better.. Shouldn't have been training with the flu. But then again, i was going at a really easy and comfortable pace.. =(
Well, the fact that you're reading this posting only means that i finished the run without collapsing. (Hmm.. was that a complex equivalent??) But at that point of time, i was pretty worried. Really. So, when one of the guys asked if anyone wanted to take the shortcut, i happily agreed. Only to find out after that the shortcut is like only 300m shorter. But the 300m shortcut also meant that i didn't have to climb another overhead bridge. So no climbing is good. And after taking the shortcut, i actually managed to merge with the mid-end pack. Mentally, it felt good. And i was rather pleased with myself. Of course, i would have felt a greater sense of achievement if i had done the whole full route. But, it's a good enough effort for my longest run yet. Ended the session with some stretching and of course it was at this point where the nose started to get drippy.
Well, long post here. But i'm really glad. Makes me feel a little more comfortable with the 10km run this Sunday. My target is to do the 10km in 63min. If i manage to do it in 60min, then its a bonus. But more importantly, the aim is to finish the race this Sunday.
Distance covered: 11.29Km
Time Taken: 1hr 13min 38sec
Pace: 6'31/km
Happy camper now needs to Zzzzz and recover. Probably will give my legs the well deserved rest, if not, then a maximum of 5km. And might do some intervals plus drills at the pool. But all will depend on how i feel when i wake up and am no longer high on endorphin.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Irritating flu
But i must admit i felt good in the water last night. I think it was the only place that my nose did not act up. Manage to complete the whole workout though. But honest to goodness truth is i didn't push very hard. Swam behind people for most of the workout. Yup, cheated by drafting quite a lot. So managed to conserve energy till the end of the swim. But even then, didn't really do the last sprint.. would say it was probably a 60% effort.
Anyway, started with warm up 200, then 200 with pull buoy, then when everyone reach, another 200 warm up. Then did 5*200, 5*100 ( 25 breastroke, 75 frontcrawl) then 5*100 ( 50 sprint, 50 easy) And ended with 200 cool down.
Quite a lot of people that i never saw before turned up for the swim session last night. Apparently coz this guy called Joe was back from Shanghai. Boy, can he talk. I'm sure he maxes out his 860 word limit capacity each day without fail. Anyway, went for dinner after that before going off to meet a client for a missing signature. Thank goodness my client was really understanding about it.
Didn't do anything the whole of this morning in terms of workout. Came to office early to get work done, only to realize coz i switched bags, i forgot to bring my keys along. Which means all my files are stuck in the cupboard. Sigh. That's the problem with no secretary keeping the spare key for you. What i used to take for granted, i'm learning to appreciate now. Maybe i should make a spare set of keys and keep them in office. That should be helpful. So, headed home after clearing up some leftover computer work, and submitting the forms.
Wanted to swim, but still doing the very fine balancing act this whole week, of rest more or train more. Maybe i'll train till Thursday and rest all the way till Sunday for competition?
Haven't decided. But i reckon about 6-7 sessions this week is good. Already done 1. Another 5-6 more. Still thinking whether i will run tonight though.. Maybe an easy run.. Need to get those legs working..
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Rat Year
But was up till 5 in the morning the night before trying to win money from playing blackjack. Every year, i head to this friend's place to try to win some money. It must have been 4-5 years back where i started with $5 and ended the night with $500. Last night, wasn't so lucky. Started with $10. Played consistently per hand and after 4 1/2 hrs of playing, walked away with $90. So i suppose if you take $90 divide it out by 4.5hrs, that was my hourly rate. Pathetic i know, but all in the name of fun for Chinese New Year. But what i forgot was that i was up since 6 plus on Saturday morning to swim with the trifam people and didn't manage to squeeze in nap time coz i was busy reading, and when i actually finished the book, the relatives were here already and had to go show face and make small talk. But, that's Chinese New Year.
The book that i just finished reading, Brad Metzler's Book of Fate was pretty good. Great plot with an interesting twist. I always think it's an interesting twist when the author manages to bring me to the end of the book without me realizing who the villian is. Or rather the ability to make me so absorbed in the book that i forget to look out for other villians. Hee.. But overall, a very good read if you are interested in thrillers. Anyway, his books are always interesting. Good mix of action, thriller, politics rolled into one.
Anyway, it's been some time since i last read. I'm only averaging 1 book per month now which is little by my standards. Yes. I know of people who read like 1 book per year, but then again, i use to read like 1 book per week, so now, i guess 1 book a month is little even for me. But whatever the case, i'm just glad i managed to find some time for the book.
Another good bike that i saw the other day was sold. I actually thought it was a steal at $1.3k considering the bike condition and groupset. But i guess some things are not meant to be and so, before i managed to get a reply back to the guy, the bike has been sold. But as usual, GOD is always kind to me, when one door closes, another opens. Have 2 more bike offers today, both bikes going for less then $1.3k. Just hoping that both bikes would have the groupsets that i'm looking for. If that is the case, then, i would surely be a happy camper.
Alright, i've rattled nonstop. It's time to once again go to rest, although i'm not sure if its posible to sleep after sleeping the whole day away, except to wake up for 2 meals. But, the runny nose is back and based on my theory, sleep gets rid of the flu, i'm heading to bed. Nitez. Happy Year of the Rat!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Sick on 2nd Day of Chinese New Year
Anyway, started with a runny nose yesterday. Then thought i caught a cold. The runny nose lasted all day while i was at Turf Club helping Dad. And when i came home, it still wasn't any better. And i was worried. Coz i really wanted to do the Tanjong Beach swim today. And i haven't trained in the last two days. So i decided to sleep early and pray hard that it would be sufficient. But, i tossed and turned all night and could barely sleep. Finally fell asleep at close to 3am. And considering i had to be up by 6.30 in the morning, i figured i'll probably miss the alarm and not wake up. But before the alarm went off, i was up. I hit the snooze button a couple of times and had a mini debate with myself as to whether i should go for training or not. Finally, i was awake. And decided, what the heck, will just go for the swim first, if i feel lousy, will skip the run today.
Did a easy 6 laps, ave abt 10min per 400m. So i guess that is about my usual pace. And after that, i felt alright, so went for the run. The nose threatened to get runny a couple of times, but after the first 2km, it went off until after the run. Did a 4.89km run. 28min 25s. About the same speed as my last Thursday run. But considering i swam about 2.4k before the run, i'm rather pleased. Just that i can't last.. Hee.. Last km was struggling.. Oh well.. Going to take a short nap now to rest before the relatives come over..
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year
Went for a swim yesterday, didn't managed to finish the 30 laps before getting chased out of the pool. They were closing for Chinese New Year. Sigh. But my fault really for bad planning of time. Then went for a 5km run after that. Slow slow run. Wasn't feeling very good. But managed to explore some new places, will probably run those tomorrow.
Have made up my mind about the bike. I guess if i have to pay to learn lessons, then so be it. What can be solved by money isn't a problem at all. (forgot abt this motto a long time liaoz)
Went to gamble last night after reunion dinner. No win no lose. Went visiting today and decided to have an early night coz was up till 6 this morning, and i'm beginning to feel a little sick. Not too good to be sick so early in the new RAT year.
Happy Chinese New Year to one and all. Huat ah!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
More training less results?
run done
Didn't get very much done today though, other then running and swimming. Apparently, everyone is in Chinese New Year mode already and no one seems to be wanting to mit up for work stuff. Sigh.
On a more sombre note, a friend that i happen to know, his mum is in ICU. So, i will be praying for him and his family. Put him in your prayers. I happen to think he's a nice person.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Spring Cleaning??
That's an interesting thought. But i guess most people spring clean their personal life on the Eve of New Year's Day. And with Chinese new year just one month after New Year, it seems silly to spring clean once again. But i guess it gives me a time to look back at the past 1 month and ask myself if things have been going as planned. Well, answer to this very elusive question would be, training wise, i think i have made decent steps. But only at the expense of my work life. As for the other stuff that i've set out to do, i don't think i've really accomplished any of them.
Have told myself that i would go sit for some papers, but have not even registered for them let alone get the textbooks and start reading up on them. Have not done a lot of stuff at work which i said i would. The best thing for work that i did for January was probably sending out New Year cards to my clients and clearing up my desk and cupboard at work, filing away things that were last year old.. Hee..
Relationship with GOD is a slow process. But i guess one can never force a relationship. If that is one thing i've come to understand over the years. But of course, i'm sure there can be more effort and time spent on this aspect of building up the relationship.
As for school goals, have started surfing the different websites for different courses that i might be interested in or might want to take up. Since registration doesn't start till March, i still have some time for my all time favourite activity, procrastination.
Training wise, have been doing a decent job. Only thing on my list that warrants me a pat on my back. Have been working out rather consistently for the last month. Although i have not been exercising since Thursday evening. Today being Sunday, means i missed 2 full days of physical activity and i have not been swimming for 3 days. Will not be swimming today as well, so make it 4 days till tomorrow evening's swimming session. Will be going to the gym for spin class and will run after that, so all in all, this week, i would have managed to do 9 sessions, which is still less then my projected 12 sessions. But then again, (excuses) i've been having a little problem on my arm and shins, so i guess progression is good.
Well, some stuff that i really need to focus on this coming month would be time management and time allocation. Also, i need to be a lot more disciplined. As of now, i'm only doing things based on the big picture. Need to break it down to the little picture and sort of like work out a fixed time table so i can get more things done and stop wasting time.
I still haven't ran my 10km and race is 2 weeks from now counting down. Ha....
Went for my first spin class today. Tired manz.. =P Ran 5km after that. Worse. Conclusion, need to work harder
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Didn't do anything today