Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Irritating flu

More rest makes me feel good. Makes me feel like a stronger swimmer except for the fact that at the back of my mind, i'm worried about the flu and the cough. And it refuses to go away. I've slept through practically the whole of Sunday. Did no workouts, missed spin class and my long run. And, it refuses to go away.
But i must admit i felt good in the water last night. I think it was the only place that my nose did not act up. Manage to complete the whole workout though. But honest to goodness truth is i didn't push very hard. Swam behind people for most of the workout. Yup, cheated by drafting quite a lot. So managed to conserve energy till the end of the swim. But even then, didn't really do the last sprint.. would say it was probably a 60% effort.
Anyway, started with warm up 200, then 200 with pull buoy, then when everyone reach, another 200 warm up. Then did 5*200, 5*100 ( 25 breastroke, 75 frontcrawl) then 5*100 ( 50 sprint, 50 easy) And ended with 200 cool down.
Quite a lot of people that i never saw before turned up for the swim session last night. Apparently coz this guy called Joe was back from Shanghai. Boy, can he talk. I'm sure he maxes out his 860 word limit capacity each day without fail. Anyway, went for dinner after that before going off to meet a client for a missing signature. Thank goodness my client was really understanding about it.
Didn't do anything the whole of this morning in terms of workout. Came to office early to get work done, only to realize coz i switched bags, i forgot to bring my keys along. Which means all my files are stuck in the cupboard. Sigh. That's the problem with no secretary keeping the spare key for you. What i used to take for granted, i'm learning to appreciate now. Maybe i should make a spare set of keys and keep them in office. That should be helpful. So, headed home after clearing up some leftover computer work, and submitting the forms.
Wanted to swim, but still doing the very fine balancing act this whole week, of rest more or train more. Maybe i'll train till Thursday and rest all the way till Sunday for competition?
Haven't decided. But i reckon about 6-7 sessions this week is good. Already done 1. Another 5-6 more. Still thinking whether i will run tonight though.. Maybe an easy run.. Need to get those legs working..

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