Monday, January 21, 2008

One step forward, two steps back

I think this is like the story of my life. Ha...
Anyway, sorry i lied about being back on Saturday. Wasn't really in a mood to write. =P
Well, woke up, went to work, and then went for swim training. Did 400m warm up, then 750*2 (17 min, 18 min) and 100 warm down. Technically, if i do this same timing for my swim trials on Wednesday evening, i should clear the trials. Anyway, i didn't train the whole of last week except for that crappy swim session on Monday. So, i'm almost close to being back on ground zero. Damn...
I signed up for NUS biathlon and the water fiesta. So, that means two more races before Singapore Biathlon. And i need to work my ass off so i can afford a decent tri bike by March. =) Anyway, only other thing to add is Guardian is dating someone. Or rather, in his words, seeing someone. Yeah. It affected me. But right now, i am darn glad i have the time trial, and the race this Saturday to keep me occupied. So, i'll pen down how i feel probably after the time trial. But i did ask myself how many more times am i going to give him the power to hurt me... =(

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