Woke up early on Saturday morning to go to Tanjong Beach for a swim and run. Wasn't very productive coz i didn't do the complete workout. In fact, i did less then what i did last week. But there was this new girl whom i buddied up with and she was not very confident in the water so stayed at the back to swim with her. Then by the time i finished 4 laps, the rest were done with their 8. I need to focus more and not get so distracted with others during the swims. But then, i feel like people have been helpful and supportive to me when i first started out swimming with them, and thus, feel this compelling need to help this girl out. Went for a short run after that. It was supposedly short, but i'm so not used to running. And the sun was up already by the time we were running and Man.. was i struggling. I know i really need to pound the pavement a lot more so that i wouldn't have this problem. 10km is no joke man. I cannot even last 5km solid without stopping. So, my aim for the coming week is to run at least 4 times and with each time lasting more then half hour. If i can do 1 solid hour, that would be ideal.
So after the morning workout, went for the usual lunch session with the rest and basically just sat around and chatted. It was peppered with jokes and gossip. But the best part of the session was probably all the experiences of those that have already been doing this sport for some time. It really is inspiring hearing their stories and motivating to learn how hard and how often they train.
Came home and slept for a while before heading to Kloudiia and Stuart's wedding party. It was an ok affair. Not the traditional sit down Chinese dinner. More like a reception. Met up with lots of coaches that i've missed. If anything, it felt more like a POE get together more then a wedding. And it was interesting how when the coaches get together, they will always be the more lively and energetic bunch. Think it has to do with the energy that we give each other. Of course when the music came on, it really really resembled the morning of day 1 of POE. Guess most of the coaches are really anchored to the music that is played at AKLTG. Or maybe its like a feel good thing for them. For me, the best part of it all was being able to catch up with friends that i have not seen in some time since i did not coach a single POE the whole of 2007. And also since i didn't go for the Chirstmas and New Year parties.
Had coffee after leaving the party with my two favourite coaches, YZ and Alvin. Yup. My superstar coach. Always feel really comfortable and great chatting with YZ. And it really is so cool that we haven't known each other for all that long but still i feel like we've been damn good friends for super duper long. And i never realised that Alvin could be such good company until like last night. I felt we were actually on the same frequency and it really has been some time since i found a friend that was quite in tune with me. I'm also damn glad to hear from him that he is so much happier in his job and his life in general. Quite different from the Alvin i first knew =)
Went back home, slept until noon before heading off to church. It was great to be back in church, and i know i struggled with GOD for a period of time and i'm still working things out. But i'm determined to sort out my relationship with GOD this year. Today i reflected on quite a bit of stuff during service. Maybe it was GOD's way of talking to me. For the longest of time, i was angry with GOD. And today, when i thought about it, i just realised how ridiculous i had been. I always pride myself in not blaming others for the decisions and choices that i make in life. And although i never blamed people in general, i had spent a really long time blaming GOD for the wrong choices i made. And i know any relationship that has been strained takes time to build up. But as long as i put in effort and am sincere, i'm sure my walk with GOD will only grow stronger!
After church, i spent the rest of the time at MC's funeral. I teared at the funeral at the point where they asked us to turn away from the coffin. The whole bunch of us sat at the table and we were just chatting about MC. And the last time i saw him was at Superman's birthday, where we went for dinner then headed to karaoke.
MC was always very positive and a joy to be with. Even when he was super tired after a long day of work and we dragged him out to party with us, he would still give his best to his friends. He would tease me and joke and kid. And i remember a couple of times where i finished work late and met up with the guys, and he would always say how come u look like you're so tired? We're out having fun, so just let go and have fun. And even when he was tired or had a long day, he would still make those around him laugh with his silly jokes and his comic actions. MC was really cool to hang out with.
Jamie was commenting at the wedding, remember how MC used to tease you non stop about TG everytime we were out together? MC didn't understand why i liked a guy who was old enought to be my dad. And yet, he gave me tips on how to attract TG, and edged me on when initially i was too shy to approach TG to talk to him. And whenever TG was chatting with some other chick when we were partying, MC would distract me with his jokes and make me laugh just so i'll feel better. Honestly, MC touched many people's lives. He always potrayed a happy-go-lucky attitude. We've known him to be extremely loving towards his mum and brother and also his friends.
Today, at the funeral, there were many people who turned up to pay their final respects. But what really pissed me off was that there were hordes of onlookers who actually stood around the wake and were gawking at the stars that came to pay their respects. Some of them stood for as long as 4 hrs. Don't these people have a life? Don't these people understand that family and friends have just lost someone close to them and just wanted to spend some time with him? Didn't they know that it was very disrespectful to be standing around and pointing? The worst was when some lady asked if MC had any special numbers to give them. WTF. And we had to very nicely explained to them that MC didn't buy 4D and would unlikely give anyone any numbers. Anyway, i was very irritated by some people who were standing behind where we were sitting and blocking the way and were gossiping non stop. ARGHHHHH... These people have no sense of decency!
But i guess what really troubled me at the end of the evening was, MC was outlived by his aged mum and a younger brother. He was the sole breadwinner of the family. And with his sudden death, how would his family cope without his income? He would have wanted his friends to make sure that his family was fine coz they were very important to him. And yet, his family is just like MC, would never want to trouble friends and ask for help. So, i know superman and wife, Mr Ye, Mr Goh would do everything in their capacity to help the family out. But whether they accept financial help remains to be seen. I know i have no financial means to help MC. But i will surely be praying for his mum and brother and i pray to GOD that he will watch over MC's family. I already miss MC da ge...
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