Thursday, April 13, 2006

The journey and its ending

This is going to be my final post as i feel like i've finally reached the end of a journey. And i'm about to embark on a new journey and it does not involve blogging.
Thank you all my fans and friends who come here constantly to read about my life and always smsing me or calling me when ever you see me post a sad blog.

Remember the hero's journey? Some of you will know what i'm talking about, some of you dont. I met the wise man yesterday. And i'm about to embark on my journey because i finally know where i'm supposed to go. So this blogging will come to an end as i embark on my new journey.I now have a new destination.

Anyway, thanks for everything, everyone. Cheers

Monday, April 03, 2006

First Knocks

Someone once told me the first knocks in our lives are usually the most painful knocks. And its no wonder that after a couple of knocks, one tends to get numb or immue to them. Over the weekend, while i was busy spicing up my social and personal life, i came to certain revelations about a certain friend. Funny thing is, what would you do one day if you found your best friend or really good friend lied to you?
Should you feel sad? Hurt? Betrayed? Or should you just shrug your shoulders, accept that it happens, and move on? After all, isn't that what life is all about? Each time, something bad happens, i tell myself that i hope this would be all the lessons i'm taking from the school of hard knocks. But i've also come to realise that the lessons never end. The day it ends, would be the day i actually lie on my death bed, with my life flashing past me. But before that, i guess i just have to brace myself and carry on living.
The first knocks being the toughest, i can only look back and grin now that several days have gone by. I know i've grown up and am stronger coz i was quite unfazed by it. Or it could be merely that i'm a little numb to it all by now. Or it could really just be that i don't really care any longer. Or it could be that if i look deep within myself, i fib as well. Sometimes by adding details that are not there, sometimes by ommiting certain details and sometimes by just not sharing as well. So i guess if i fib as well, who am i to throw stones. Right?