Monday, March 03, 2008

Pissed with myself

I'm so absolutely pissed with myself. Of all days, i had to wake up in the morning with a stuffed nose and coughing my lungs out! I missed the Singapore Biathlon. And i was so looking forward to it. Why i fell sick? I guess i could come up with a couple of reasons off the top of my head. Not enough sleep and rest. The fact that i was constantly tired would have been indication to me that my body was stressed and needed rest. Maybe it was being garang and wanting to complete the 9km run in the rain on Thursday even when i knew i was already feeling a little unwell, rather then turning back and avoiding the rain. Hmmm
Wonder which was it. But all in all, i'm damn pissed off with myself coz there are no more biathlons for this year. Until end of the year for NIE biathlon. Sighz... Oh well, maybe a good time to improve my run and swim and to get the biking right.
Have been in bed all weekend, might go see the doctor tomorrow if the symptoms still persist. Damn i hate being sick!

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