Friday, February 29, 2008


Obviously i can't think of a title for this post. So decided to name it hmmm.
Have been so tired and exhausted lately. Don't feel like working out, don't feel like doing anything. My favorite activity involves my bed, my pillow and me on it. Sigh. So, basically, up till today, for this week, i have not done anything other then to go for a 21km cycle. Which is damn sad lah.
So, today, i told myself that no matter how tired i felt, no matter, how not in the mood i felt, i must go and work out. So hit the pool, albeit reluctantly, and swam. Didn't finish my workout, did half of it. In worse times then last week. Which is bad. Seems the slacking has turned into a 10s lag time in each lap. Anyway, i think i could have finished the workout if i had planned my time better, ie. got out of the house earlier so i could complete the workout. But i didn't i was half minded about swimming, so only left the house and got to the pool with about 50 mins left to swim. Decided to do a ladder workout, 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m. That would have made it 1500m. But i ended up doing 200m short. Hee. actually, the work out was supposed to be after the 500m, then back down to 100m. which would mean a 2.5km swim. That's why i said i think i did about half the workout. Oh well....
Went running in the evening. And today while running, i had to relearn another lesson. Make hay while the sun shines. Stop procrastinating and stop being so lazy. was supposed to do the 11km run to Bishan park and back from TP Safra. But, because it started raining halfway, only ended up doing 8.5km. And it was a horrid 8.5km. Run pace was slower then last thur's 11km run. So basically, the lack of training all week has not helped me in any way, only to ensure that i would once again have to struggle up.
Still thinking of what goals i want to set for the Singapore Biathlon this Saturday. Haven't really figured it out yet. My timing for the NUS biathlon was actually better then i expected. Half worried that i wouldn't even be able to come close to that timing. Since the distance at NUS biathlon was actually 1km short. Hmmmm
I received a cd today. Was watching myself on tv. Seems i took part in some kiddy show while i was a kid, 5 yrs old. It was hilarious. The short clip was approximately 20mins long. And i think i spent 20 mins laughing non stop at myself. But i observed some things about myself through that short 20mins session.
1) I always made funny actions to divert attention away from the fact that i was shy or uncomfortable.
2) I had a very short attention span as a kid, got bored easily.
3) I was constantly in a world of my own when activities were boring
4) I was very competitive as a 5 year old
5) My people skills were horrid
6) I wasn't very smart
7) I wasn't very cute
Alright, these were some of the things i observed. So i guess, at 5, i was pretty much made for life already. Only no. 5 seems to have changed slightly over the years. The rest, pretty much still about the same. Damn.. And here i was thinking i was smart... Hmmm
Anyway, while we were watching the clip, Dad, Mum and I, mum was going on and on telling me what a rotten kid i was. That i was always really playful, rebellious, and probably a rather great troublemaker. That kidergarten teachers complained non stop about me. That while we were supposed to be sleeping, i would be up and about, trying to talk to other children, or 'disturbing' them as mum put it. Hey, i was just trying to be friendly... =P I guess the talkative part was cultivated really early...
Then she went on to tell me that i was never really keen about school. Never bother to pack my school bag before bed, always forgetting books and having to get Dad to send it to school, always forgetting to finish school assignments, didn't want to study for spelling and dictation. So i guess, for such a playful child, i did pretty alright through primary school. I suppose in today's context, i would probably have been labelled a troublemaker. No wonder in my short stint as a teacher, i had so many of these kids. Guess it's really true when they say what goes around, comes around. Ha...
Anyway, if not for the fact that Dad asked Mum to head to bed, i'm sure she could have gone on non stop as to what a troublesome kid, playful kid, naughty child i was. But, i guess i turned out alright after all. =) Oh, and my size, i was already taller then the rest of the children at 5. So, that's probably genetics. Nature. The rest... Still thinking whether its nature or nurture...

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