Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I just want to write

Well, I have finally finished writing the short article for him. But he hasn’t really said anything to me. I asked him for his comments, but he said that he didn’t have the time to comment on it. That he would use some stuff to add to his write up. I actually wonder why he bothers to ask me to write for him, when he already has a write up and he will barely be using the one that I wrote for him. Sigh. Anyway, it wasn’t very good but I guess it would have been nice for him to have said, I liked your work. Ended up smsing him and asking him if it was at least half as good as he would have expected. Then he replied saying that it was ok. He couldn’t have done better. But, I guess with him, I cannot tell whether he said it out of politeness or whether he really meant it. He’s always rather polite I guess.
Just saw his reply on msn. He’s in manila. Remembered asking him yesterday when he was flying off again. But apparently, he wasn’t too keen to share when he was going away. So, I guess today came as a shock. He’s away. Sighz. I guess he must really be busy. I wonder when I’ll get to see him again. Its been close to 1 week since we met. Since last Tuesday I guess. I was just telling him yesterday that I’ve missed him terribly. Why? I guess last Tuesday, we fought, or rather argued. So, I felt more about missing him.
Anyway, I read a friend’s blog recently. It spoke about monogamy or the lack of it. I believe in a relationship where I am my partner’s only partner, and my partner’s only partner. Funny how I feel rather strongly about it and yet, I condone someone else being in a multiple relationship. I guess what my friend said about a man being married, and having a girlfriend hit rather close to home. Somehow, I know that the relationship will never work out. Coz it is seldom that a married man will leave his wife. And even then, I know it is sweet words. And I know that he does not mean it. At the end of the day, even if he claims he loves me a lot, he still loves her more. That’s why he married her in the first place.
But I guess I’ve always been a great sucker for sweet words. I guess this links up to my last blog on tidbits. I sms this other friend the other day. This is one guy that I’ve been rather interested in for some time. Nothing has ever pointed to the fact that he might one day even be remotely interested in me. He has never shown the least inkling of interest in me. He has never shown me that he might be sexually interested in me. He has never shown that he might want to connect to me on the emotional level. He has never shown that I might one day become more then just a silly gal in his eyes. Never shown that I might one day be his soulmate. Then again, if I were in anyway a possibility of a soulmate, I would have been one today already.

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