Friday, April 18, 2008

Looking forward to my friend weekend coming!

Why am i up at 4.30 in the morning? Not coz i am up early and ready to go riding. But rather, i am waiting for my hair to dry so i can sleep. Tot i'll drop a couple of lines here and hopefully head to bed soon.
The whole week has been rather hectic. I've been playing driver all week for the family. I guess someone has to be doing the errands, ferrying people back and forth =) Dad is much better now. I am just hoping everything the doctor says is positive tomorrow except that his diabetes is much higher then i'll like it to be. But then, nothing much i can do about it coz he's a grown man. Just that every time i turn my eyes away for a while, he is reaching out for something to munch.. Hmmm.. Not good not good.
But, i guess that's him. If he didn't do that, he wouldn't be dad. =)
Managed to pop by office a little while this afternoon. Moved office again. And best part was, no one informed me. No, i don't have an insecurity issue. That people must call me when they do stuff. Just that someone apparently packed all my things for me (nice them) into carton boxes before they moved the cupboards. Except, my boxes are no where to be found (not so nice them) and when i went around asking, everyone said they didn't touch anything (HORRID).
So now i have an empty cupboard, with nothing inside. No files, no documents. But most importantly, no laptop. I guess if there is a silver lining to every cloud, i don't have to bother packing my cupboard, which i have been meaning to do for the longest of time. Just need to get the laptop back coz all my important stuff is inside. Damn..
So coz i was in a really crappy mood, i decided to go for a ride after i got home just now. Was close to 11pm when i set off from home to meet my friend at Jalan Kayu. After 26+km, 1 hr, and many slopes later, i was finally there. Panting i might add. The journey back seemed shorter and easier although i was definitely more tired!
And so, here i am, listening to the patter of rain outside my window. Good thing i got home before the rain started. I'm sure the big guy up there loves me. Makes sure i'm home and snuggled in bed before letting it rain =)
Oh, i found a really interesting person on facebook earlier. A person whom i so admire and respected but felt i let down towards the end of my short lived career in track and field. Namely field. Who else could it be. The lady that probably gave me nightmares when i was in college. My first experience of goal setting must have surely been taught by her. And why i can train like crazy and not bitch and moan, is proabably thanks to her as well. So i guess, i do owe her a lot. And it's good to see she is still as fit as ever. I'll definitely be looking forward to catching up with her real soon. Thanks Miss Poon for being an inspiration!

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