Friday, January 04, 2008

Frankly, i'm a little disheartened

I know that when it comes to swimming and running, or anything that is fitness related, it generally takes a lot of mileage to get the fitness level up and to be able to do either comfortably. But somehow, when i went for the long run today, i was really really quite disheartened. Nevermind like everyone was running in front of me and that has so not happened in my life before. Nevermind that i cut short my distance and didn't do the full workout. But it was the fact that i felt like i couldn't keep up and somehow, i doubt that i gave it my all. And not forgetting i stopped and walk a couple of times and then there was the stitch, and then i was still at the back of the pack. And worse of all, my calf muscle hurts like hell.
So now i'm in a dilemma. If i run, then my calf hurts. And swimming is a lot easier on the body. So, if i want to swim, then i might have to forgo some running. Aiya.. i dun know lah.. Its irritating me.
Anyway, normal day. Met a friend for lunch, then went to sentosa for a meeting which i felt i didn't even need to be there. Then went for the run, before meeting with a client at 11pm to sign switching forms. So all in all, i think it was a rather fruitful day.
Anyway, i've just been feeling a little grumpy. I don't even really know why. Or maybe i do.. But i was so hoping that it wasn't gg to be the reason. Oh yeah, i think i can still improve on the discipline part. Woke up at 8 in the morning but didn't hit the pool. Damn.. Will see how i feel tomorrow morning after today's rather long run that my calf is still screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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